
Geneious tutorial alignment
Geneious tutorial alignment

geneious tutorial alignment geneious tutorial alignment

Improving the Geneious de novo assembler to produce circular results sounded like a useful yet challenging goal. Some features in Geneious that came out of previous EvoLab days include workflows, the annotation filtering system, and the Wrapper Plugin system, which was used to create the Garli, RAxML and FastTree plugins. In some cases we end up with a completed task and other times we produce the first stages of something which we may develop further after EvoLab. At 2pm on Friday the clock stops and we present our work to the entire Biomatters team. We split into groups of one to three people and in the space of 24 hours we work on something a bit different or challenging.

geneious tutorial alignment

I’ll explain how in less than 24 hours I enhanced the Geneious de novo assembler so it can produce circular genomes and applied it to Asiatic lion mitochondrion data to produce a genome which in my opinion is better than the genome published using the same data.Īt Biomatters, a few times a year we run what we call an EvoLab day. Circular chromosomes or genomes, such as viruses, bacteria, mitochondria and plasmids, are a common occurrence in nature, but despite the wide array of algorithms available for de novo assembly, not one that I’m aware of can produce a circular genome! That is until now.

Geneious tutorial alignment